I have to say that I was stunned along with many others, I'm sure, when I first saw this photo of a woman by the name of Isabelle Caro. According to thisislondon.co.uk, Caro wanted to show young people how dangerous this illness is.
This is unbelievably brave and I do hope that women and men both young and old, who are probably on the road to this devastating disease or are encountering it in some way, maybe with someone else they know, will look at this as a strong wake-up call.
We know that fashion isn't the only cause for this disease and many people who don't follow fashion or watch the runway shows in Milan have anorexia and other eating disorders. ANYWAY, these billboards got the job done, as far as getting some attention. The campaign was paid for by Flash & Partners, an Italian clothing company and the photographer- Oliviero Toscani.
Learn more about Anorexia: National Eating Disorders Association
thats really shocking and sad